Our Ingredients

Knowledge is power and we believe quality hair care is knowing what ingredients  are in your haircare products. Rich oils, natural butters, extracts that all come from plants because we deserve the very best

Avocado: The polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in avocado plant and oil form provides moisture and nourishment to dehydrated hair strands. Prevents breakage for dry, brittle or chemical damaged hair by lubricating the hair strands. Avocado oil can protect hair from sun damage, chlorine, and ocean salt water. Regular avocado hair mask treatments will get the job done for all hair types 
Mango butter: Softens dry hair and reduces breakage from the inside out.  Mango Butter seals in moisture and strengthens hair follicles encouraging the growth of stronger healthier hair. Very moisturizing but doesn't leave a greasy feel like other hair butters. Light weight and can penetrate the hair cuticle. Anti-inflammatory, anti fungal/ antimicrobial properties that soothe the hair and scalp
Shea butter Oh how we love shea nuts! Nutrient rich ingredient for the scalp and follicles. Provides moisture and softens hair. Ideal for afro textured hair to lock and seal in moisture. Reduce frizziness and flyaway hair Source: Ghana, West Africa
Grapeseed oil Featherlight weight and won't weigh down thin/straight or curly hair. Also has the ability to seal in moisture for all hair types. Loosens dandruff and buildup on the scalp making it ideal for pre wash day prep. Grapeseed oil absorbs easily into the scalp and will not clog hair follicles. Adds moisture, strength, and shine 
Jojoba oil Rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair, including vitamin C,vitamin B , vitamin E, copper, and zinc. Jojoba oil stimulates circulation by bringing new blood and nutrients to the follicles. Jojoba oil molecules are similar to our own sebum, which naturally coats your hair with oil. Applying it to your scalp and hair can hydrate individual hair strands and help lock in moisture. This oil is light-weight and won't weigh down thin, fine, or bouncy curly hair. Great for preventing dandruff and itchy scalp

Coconut One of the best hair oils that helps reduce protein loss. Absorbs deeply into the hair shaft compared to some other oils because its made up of a medium chain fatty acid. Coconut oil can be used as a protective barrier against damage when used before wetting hair strands for a wash day. Nourishes the hair with vitamins E and K, iron, minerals and the medium-chain fatty acids. Protects hair and prevents breakage and hair loss. Maintain luster and softness effective against dandruff

Cetyl Alcohol Natural fatty alcohol derived from coconut, palm, or vegetable oil (Never confuse this with those chemical drying alcohols like ethanol alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and propanol alcohol just to name a few). Cetyl Alcohol adds moisture and slip to hair strands making it excellent for detangling. Makes hair strands visibly soft and smooth

Olive oil Boosts hair growth, prevents hair loss, makes hair cuticles smooth and shiny. Olive oil acts as a great moisturizer and prevents dryness. Olive oil is rich with antioxidants that promote hair growth.

Sweet Almond oil Great for massaging the scalp. Reduce breakage, split ends, itchy scalp and dry roots. Almond oil can make hair stronger and less prone to split ends, which means your hair growth won’t be slowed by losing hair that becomes damaged. It also promotes re-growth of hair and decreases hair thinning.

Vitamin E Oil Stimulates capillary growth in your scalp. Supports a healthy scalp and hair as it has natural antioxidant effects that assist with maintaining hair growth. Vitamin E, with its antioxidant properties, fights oxidative stress, which is one of the major causes of severe hair fall

Jamaican black castor oil  Moisturize, thicken, strengthen and rapidly increase hair growth. It increases blood flow to the scalp, supplying valuable nutrients to hair follicles. Jamaican Black Castor Oil will also prevent hair breakage, dandruff, eczema and dry, itchy scalp. Experience growth and results by using one to two times a week for at least three months Source: Jamaica, Westindies

Extracts from plants and herbs are packed with the most powerful vitamins and nutrients for the hair, scalp, and overall hair wellness. 
Bentonite Clay This mineral used for centuries for healing and natural remedies. Deeply cleans the scalp removing dead skin cells and toxins. Clear scalp = growth!!! Reduce frizz on straight to wavy hair and provides maximum definition for afro and curly hair textures. Offers deep moisture to the hair and scalp Provides even more definition than conditioner
Hibiscus Leaf Contains flavonoids which increases blood circulation to hair follicles and activates dormant follicles into follicles that grow!! Amino acids and natural mucilage from hibiscus can help moisturize, retain length and restore elasticity in your hair strands. Hibiscus can delay grey hair and enrich dark hair color when using alone and concentrated. Antimicrobial properties from hibiscus can prevent growth of dandruff and unclog pores Source: West Africa, East Africa, The Caribbean


Plants and herbs have been used for self care since the beginning of time. Growing naturally from the earth and providing nutritiously dense ingredients for hair wellness. 

Papaya leaf
Prevent balding, thinning, and breakage. Reduces itching and dandruff. Known to prevent premature grey hair. Papaya hydrates and nourishes hair from root to tip making it the solution for dry and damaged hair

Sugarcane contains hydrating properties, nourishes the scalp and eliminates scalp issues. High moisture content making it great for conditioning the hair. Sugarcane juice can also grow hair from the inside out. Packed with vitamins B12, C and A as well as minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, and potassium which contribute to growth and shine. Source: Caribbean Islands
Guava leaves Contains vitamin C that aids to improve collagen formation and hair growth. Contains Vitamin B complexes that help build hair strands and strengthen hair scalp. Guava leaves have strong antimicrobial effects. When massaged on the hair root and tip will prevent the growth of bacteria and fungus
Peppermint leaf Famous for improving blood circulation in the scalp. Even flowing blood = hair growth! Helps remove dandruff from the scalp. Let’s not forget the minty menthol fresh scent
Passion fruit  Rich in antioxidants such as vitamins A, B2, and C, as well as in potassium, when used regularly passion fruit oil can help your hair grow quickly and healthy.
Bonus fun fact: By consuming it, you will improve your blood circulation since it helps to dilate blood vessels! With a good blood flow, nutrients can get to your hair follicles, resulting in shiny, smooth, and healthy hair!
Honey is such a gem! It naturally smooths the hair shaft and restores natural shine and luster. The natural properties in honey seal in moisture which helps to reduce frizz, define curls, bring life to dull and dry hair. Many studies have shown honey provides healing properties to promote cell growth. The scalp cells that make up hair follicles will thank you the most when you see the growth. Honey helps reduce normal hair shedding to a minimum 

Basil helps to keep the scalp healthy and a great treatment for hair loss. It’s natural properties helps strengthen hair follicles. This plant promotes blood circulation in the scalp that helps to speed up hair growth. Basil helps to clear dandruff and alleviate itching. A clear scalp makes for healthy roots. 

Nutmeg is not just your regular spice. This spice helps to strengthen hair follicles by providing antioxidants which benefit and stimulate hair growth. Nutmeg has high contents of vitamin C, magnesium, Calcium, B-6 and iron that can nourish the skin from hair roots to hair tips. Nutmeg helps to regulate blood circulation to the scalp that help to reduce hair fall. Use our Forbidden Roots hair and scalp oil at least 3 times a week To reduce hair fall and  strengthen the hair.

Brahmi or Bacopa Monnieri Is known for its natural medicinal properties. A really good source of nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Packed with rich nutrients that strengthen the hair roots. In fact using this on a regular basis can help prevent temporary baldness. This plant nourishes the scalp and induces enough moisture to reduce dandruff. Bacopa helps to reduce hair fall and also promotes overall hair growth.

Nardostachys Jatamansi is a very powerful root that promotes hair growth. Reduces hair fall and increase hair growth. Jatamansi can increase the follicular size and elongate the growth phase of hair. For those that suffer from thin hair this root can help hair become thicker and denser over time. Studies have shown the roots helps accelerate the process of natural hair growth. At high concentration can be used as a hair dye to darken the hair color.

has been known to help treat alopecia. It delivers powerful nutrients to hair follicles that are necessary for healthy hair growth. Improves blood circulation to the scalp which encourages growth. Thyme has been around for centuries but more recently gaining the attention of research scientists for supporting healthier hair. 


Gotu Kola is such a powerful plant when extracted. It promotes microcirculation, allowing the follicle to take in more oxygen and nutrients and boost hair growth. Gotu Kola is known to prevent as well as stop hair loss. Provides much-needed nutrition to dry, damaged hair, and recommended for regular routine. This plant is at the top of the list for natural healing and medicinal properties when it comes to hair care.

Rosemary has the ability to improve cellular generation. It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes nerve growth, and improves circulation. Recent studies showed that rosemary was just as effective a minoxidil which is a medicine used to treat hair loss. . Other studies show hair regrowth in people with alopecia who used rosemary.

We know there is natural healing from the earth and we stick beside it